SD-790 refrigerant filling machine
  • Foshan Shunde Dinglian Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
  • product brand:Success®
  • رقم الكشك:E4F54
  • product specification:SD-790
  • product category:制冷和空调用工具及设备-抽空与加液设备-制冷剂填充设备
  • product introduction:1. Industrial numerical control system, high-speed and accurate data processing, long-term reliable operation, powerful function. 2. Color touch screen control, convenient human-computer interaction and easy operation. 3. High degree of automation, can improve work efficiency, ensure product quality, reduce labor costs. 4. High efficiency quality sensor is configured to ensure the accuracy and reliability of charging. 5. Equipped with high efficiency vacuum pump, equipped with accurate vacuum detection and vacuum pressure detection function. 6. Equipped with high efficiency refrigerant booster pump and charging pressure compensation system, reliable operation. 7. Equipped with precision design and finishing L-type three valve charging gun, easy to operate. 8. Simply train the operator to operate the filling machine independently immediately. 9. Applicable to all refrigerant cylinders.