• Hubei Hengxiang Technology Co., Ltd.
  • product brand:FNS FLEX
  • رقم الكشك:A6C42N1D17
  • product specification:thickness of 20 mm、25mm、30mm, width of 1 meter.
  • product category:制冷和空调设备的安装材料和设备-保温绝缘材料-保温材料
  • product introduction:Hengxiang Funos ultra-clean sound absorption board is a general sound absorption material specially designed for different acoustic applications. It has excellent sound absorption performance and acts as a barrier to sound waves (transfer loss), and can play the role of damping and fluid-solid coupling (vibration isolation) for vibration problems. Hengxiang Funos ultra-clean sound absorption plate is an acoustic material developed by using unique and advanced hole opening technology. Compared with traditional materials, it can achieve excellent sound absorption effect with thinner thickness. Based on the principle that the thickness and density of the material determine the peak frequency of the sound absorption coefficient, the Hengxiang Funos ultra-clean sound absorption board can realize the sound absorption at the special noise frequency in engineering.